About Us
solutions to solve your biggest challenges.

Instructional Designer/Developer
Make-Believe-Should-Have Job Title: Make your job easier extraordinaire.
Responsibilities: Creative development of customer learning experiences. You ask for the training, we design it, I develop it and build it into a shiny online course?. I also help with LMS administration.
Value that you add to our Customers: I think of all the things. I ask all the questions. I push every button. And most importantly, I put myself in the learners shoes in every development decision I make.
Value that you add to our Team: My genuine love of problem solving and discovery. I am a lifelong learner and am always brainstorming an easier way to perform a tedious task.
What’s one thing on your bucket list: This is cliché, but I would love to take a year and travel the world (after a cross-country road trip) with my daughter.
The one thing you plan to do to change the world, even just a little bit: Raise my daughter to lead change, work purposefully, challenge conformity, and break glass ceilings by getting out of her way and exposing her to rich experiences.
The thing you did as a kid that was the best predictor of who you would be as an adult: My grandmother nick-named me ‘Mi-no’ when I was a toddler. It means ‘My no’ in Spanish. I was always saying “No, I’ll do it myself” whenever anyone offered to help me with anything. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been very self-sufficient. If I don’t know how to do it, I’ll find some way to learn how to do it. While I can’t discount key players in my life who’ve supported my growth, I very much still like to ‘do it myself.’